Three Uses For Grass Clippings In The Garden

At this time of year you can almost see the grass growing and in larger gardens it can be difficult to keep on top of the mowing. While it can be lovely to leave some grass to grow and become a haven for wildlife, most gardeners will want to have at least a small area of lawn. A lawn is not only a pleasant thing to look at, it is also a useful resource. Grass grows quickly and therefore, can provide a high level of biomass. That biomass can be channelled back into the system to help other areas of your garden. Keen gardeners, especially those growing their own, should never dispose of grass clippings. Here are three ways to use those clippings to your advantage:

Compost PileAdd Mown Grass To Your Compost Heap

One of the easiest and most simple ways to gain the benefit of the high nitrogen content and other nutrients available in the grass is to put it on your compost heap. You should, however, always make sure that you add it in thin layers, separated by cardboard or other carbon-rich materials. If you add grass clippings in too large a volume and do not mix them into your compost then they can end up a sludgy, slimy mess. Layer with cardboard waste from your home, however, and you will create a good, balanced compost that can be used to enrich your soil next spring.

Grass MulchUse Lawn Clippings As A Mulch

Lawn clippings can also aid your soil when placed directly on it. When dried out on the lawn and then spread around your vegetable patch, trees or leafy shrubs on your garden borders, grass will act as a useful mulch. Be sure to spread it in thin layers and only around sturdy plants that want a nitrogen boost. Grass that is too thick or wet can become a hiding place for slugs during the day, though a thinner layer will not have this problem but will still help to retain moisture in the soil and feed the plants.

Make A Liquid Lawn Clippings Fertiliser

Another way to release the goodness from grass is to turn it into a liquid feed. To do this, simply choose a large butt, barrel, drum or bin, place the grass (and any weeds you have) within and cover with water. Cover, and allow the mix to rot down for a few days. Water soluble nutrients will leach into the water making a useful nitrogen rich feed. The benefit of this method is that after two or three days (no longer) when you drain off the feed for use in the garden, you can still add the grass to your compost heap.